Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with their family and friends. As we dive into 2024, I hope that this year will be prosperous and memorable, and that you will be able to explore your dreams and achieve and accomplish your goals for this year.
This Thankful Time
As we dive into this season of gratitude, I must admit that I have so much to be thankful for this year. Without certain things occurring in my life, 2023 wouldn’t have been such an adventurous year will miracles, excitement, and blessings. It’s difficult to imagine that we are in the holiday season, and that…
Birthday Fundraiser
For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation. I’ve chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. The city of Santa Clarita has done so much to support my new career…
Let’s Go, Aaron!!!
I must be getting popular in the acting world! A notification for an audition request just popped up on Casting Networks now! Holy cow! Last week, I had notifications for 4 days and Monday today, I just received one. This past week… whoa! Let’s see… Wednesday the 1st: 2 audition requests, Thursday the 2nd: booking…
The Aaron Yang on TV…What???
Back in October, I reached out to the Santa Clarita TV station to see if they would be interested in featuring me on their channel. I completely forgot about it until I received an email response yesterday afternoon. I’ve got so much on my plate recently with audition requests, my college classes, and my life…
Career on the Roll!
Now I dunno what is amiss, but I noticed that every time that I go to a filming, I get the higher possibility of receiving an audition request or a booking request after arriving home. That’s true! On Sunday, I was at the music video shoot, and right after having lunch, I noticed a notification…
I Spy…Aaron Yang!!!
Hey there! Remember last month I went to Kura Sushi in Garden Grove? Well, they included me in 2 Instagram reels! Feel free to share these with your friends. I am very proud of myself for this achievement. Last year, I had zero auditions and not one booking. But… look at me now! I am…
What a Day!
Yesterday was pretty exhausting! I went to Permanent Records Roadhouse for a music video shoot. I had a call time of 8AM! But I am glad that I made it through. I couldn’t believe my eyes when 2 audition requests for a voiceover project came in through Casting Networks. I was really excited! I’m pretty…
A New Investment
Hooray! My family’s investment in Santa Clarita might become a reality soon! I reached out to Danny Cuevas, asking him to search for building possibilities in the SCV for a future indoor kids playground. He reached out to me and my uncle and now… the search has begun! I sincerely hope that this project will…
Career on a Roll
I am very proud of myself for how far I have come in my acting career. I have been through so much and encountered so many challenges in life. As of this month, I have done 3 commercials and 1 YouTube video prank. This coming Monday, I will be shooting at a sushi restaurant in…