The 2021 NPR story experience was considered the turning point in my life. In January of last year, Chicago journalist Anne Ford reached out to me offering a publicity opportunity regarding my virtual engagements with libraries across America through summer reading programs. She had heard about my love for libraries country-wide, and wanted to write a story about this unique hobby of mine. I excitedly agreed to make my voice heard and I am glad I did! This NPR story was like a miracle worker! Not only did this experience allow librarians across America to finally realize my unique passion and hobby, but it also motivated me to pursue another dimension in the arts: acting. Based on this publicity, I had tons of fun making my voice heard and allowing people all over to understand my inspirations, motivations, and passions. By enrolling in acting school and pursuing a career as an actor doing voiceovers, commercials, or narrating audiobooks, I can use my talents and skills to make my voice heard through various forms of publicity. Going through acting school can help sharpen my abilities in the acting world and also allow me opportunities in a wide range of engagements.
To this day, I am deeply grateful for the publicity opportunity Anne offered me. Not only did she open my eyes up to a whole new world of possibilities, she helped me make my voice heard regarding my unique project and allowed librarians to really understand my intentions in a friendly environment. Had I not been featured on NPR, I wouldn’t have ever considered in pursuing an acting career. I also piqued the interest of Stillwater County, Montana, who are interested in interviewing me for an article in an upcoming issue of their newspaper.